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Improve Search Engine Rankings With Proper Keyword Research

By Michael Fleischner

The best way to achieve search engine dominance is by focusing on keyword research. As a search engine optimization consultant, I’ve worked with hundreds of companies that miss this very important step. Achieving top search engine rankings is largely based on the competitiveness of the keyword phrase you are trying to optimize for. If your competitor is in the top spot with a well entrenched web site, then your chances of out ranking him may be limited.

In addition to focusing on a keyword phrase that doesn’t have strong competition, you need to find terms that are frequently searched on. I recently finished a consulting assignment for a foundation trying to optimize their website. They had top rankings for a keyword term that seemed to be somewhat desirable. However, keyword research proved that the term received less than 100 searches per month. As a result, top rankings for this keyword phrase were nearly meaningless.

Once you have found a keyword phrase that isn’t too competitive and receives an adequate number of monthly searches, the next step is to thoroughly check out your competition. Google the keyword phrases you want to optimize for a run a back link check on the top three ranked web sites. This indicates the strength of those web sites relative to their search engine ranking. The more links, the more difficult it will be to rank higher than they do without some type of sustained link building campaign.

After doing your keyword research and confirming your choice of keywords and keyword phrases, it’s time to focus on improving your web pages around the keywords you’ve selected. Enhance your meta tags, titles, and web copy to include your keyword phrases. This helps to tell the search engines what your web site is about so it can rank your site appropriately. In addition to the on page factors, Google weighs off page factors to determine web site ranking.

Off page optimization requires a sustained effort that uses new content and additional links from third party websites. The most effective strategies are the most basic. Begin with a link building plan. Focus on article directories, web site directories, blogs, social bookmarking sites, and other resources where you can establish in bound links.

Your plan should include daily, weekly and monthly tasks that can attract links from authority websites consistently over time. Your goal should not be to generate thousands of inbound links quickly because Google will penalize your website. Rather, focus on steady link building.

If you want to improve your organic search engine ranking, begin with keyword research. By selecting the right keywords, you’ll be able to optimize your website more quickly than your competitors. After choosing the right keywords, focus on integrating your chosen keywords into your web site. Then you’re ready for link building and other off page optimization tactics that significantly improve rankings.

Michael Fleischner is an SEO consultant and author of SEO Made Simple, revealing strategies guaranteed to improve search engine rankings. Learn more about Michael’s hands-on SEO training program, Internet Marketing Forum, and SEO consulting at MarketingScoop.com or contact him via the Marketing Blog at http://marketing-expert.blogspot.com.

©2009 MarketingScoop.

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Publishing Rights: You may republish this article in your web site, newsletter, or ebook, on the condition that you agree to leave the article, author’s signature, and all links completely intact.

Product Review: Traffic Predator

Traffic Predator is a new site that says it guarantees more CONVERTING web visitors and online advertising with very little effort or cost.  So I decided to put it to the test…

My first impression was the site looks professional and clean, with an attractive look and feel.  It is easy to read and understand.  Joining the site was easy and painless–they do offer 2 upgrade options but they are not required to gain the benefits.

The Members Area is very well laid out and intuitive–I could figure out what to do after only a few minutes and was able to get up and running in less than 5 minutes.  Inside the site, you create links and ads–the links you simply enter any URL links you use into the generator and it transforms them into “Traffic Predator” links.  You create ads for anything you want to promote using the Traffic Predator Ad Generator, which is very easy to use.  You can create as many links and as many ads as you like.  And they are organized in a logical way–links are displayed in the order you create them but also your 5 most recent links appear on the main page for quick reference.  Also, since the link generator is the tool you’ll use most, it is also right at the top of the main page when you login.  Very smart!

After you’ve created at least 1 link and 1 ad you can start to generate traffic.  Just use and promote the new Traffic Predator link instead of the original source link you had.  Every time the Traffic Predator link is clicked, the page loads followed by a cool slide-up ad window at the bottom.  It displays an ad PLUS an image with your affiliate link that goes back to Traffic Predator.  So if anyone clicks the Traffic Predator image they see the site, and if they signup they become your referral.  It’s a great viral feature because you can build referrals without even trying to just by using the site.

Now every time the ad window displays (your Traffic Predator links get clicked) you earn credits that get YOUR ad displayed in the ad windows when other members’ links get clicked.  So the more clicks, the more times your ads get displayed.

And this works virally–meaning as you make referrals into Traffic Predator (either by promoting it or just using it and visitors click the Traffic Predator image on the ad window to join) you also earn ad credits on THEIR link clicks.  And this works up to 5 levels deep.  So you can create a massive amount of free ad views and web traffic by referring others to Traffic Predator also.

I didn’t get to test the full effect of a big downline yet (I just got the tool) but I can tell you the rest of the site works exactly as stated–my links got clicked, I earned credits, and my ads got displayed.  Traffic Predator even tracked my results so I know how many clicks and how many ad displays.  That was an impressive unadvertised extra feature.

There is one more benefit and feature which might be the best of them all–downline emailing.  You can email your downline with offers, promotions, or whatever you like, and here is where Traffic Predator really shines.  They took time to make the emailing often enough that it’s valuable as a user, but no so often that it’s a burden to your downline.  But the best part about this feature (and actually the credit earning too) is that it tells you exactly how long until you can mail again.  Now THAT’s cool.

Overall I have to say I am impressed with Traffic Predator.  It is simple yet powerful, and delivers on its promises.  Highly recommended to anyone who wants to increase traffic and advertising.

See it and join here:


:: IM faceplate – brand yourself!

:: IM faceplate – brand yourself!

What�s the entire buzz about GVO?

GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities) formerly Kiosk is a company owned by Joel Therien who has a 12 year track of experience in the network marketing and internet marketing industries.

GVO has rapidly created a big buzz in the internet marketing and the MLM , Network marketing arenas due to the fact that it is the only company online that has the knowhow and the expertise to join these two very important business models in a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What makes GVO such an incredible business opportunity?

The answer to this question is twofold:

First of all when you get your hosting package through GVO you will get several services like unlimited autoresponder system, complete video marketing system with easy video producer and video hosting, full audio and video conferencing system, downtime monitoring software, that not only are included but that will also mean significant savings compared to buying all these services separately.

Second, you will have the opportunity to participate in a MLM compensation plan that is much more than a simple affiliate program and makes it an entire business in itself, let me explain:

How do I get compensated?

To motivate you to promote the business, GVO pays you 50% commission on the first month of every person that is directly sponsored by you.

Then we have the 2 x 10 Binary Hybrid Matrix Plan that will pay you 5% per month of up to levels down making this a full matrix of 2,046 people and that alone will earn you $4,600.00 per month!

Wait! It gets even better because you will also get a 20% matching bonus on your personal referrals down to 10 levels.

Once you have a downline of 14 people or more then you earn a new profit position in the matrix that you can also make money off of.

What guarantees that people will stay?

If you have been online for some time and you are serious about building an internet business, you know that in today�s market, these are tools that you or any internet marketer can�t afford not to have and that you will be using on a daily basis and that is the key that makes the compensation plan a very successful one.

With this business model you will build an organization of avid and constant users who will be using the services everyday to run their businesses and therefore will be happy to keep paying their monthly fee!

How do I join?

At GVO we even give you the opportunity to try us and fall in love with our services before you commit to a longer stay.

Just pay $1.00 today and this will give you full access to all the services and features for a full 14 day trial period.

Hope your find everything you are looking for under one roof with unsurpassed quality, see you inside!

Jesus Pina is an Internet and Network Marketer who owns and runs many websites you can read more of his GVO business at http://www.wwkiosk.com/members/12agen1/team_gvo_invite.php

Shaklee Videos: The Shaklee Opportunity

Shaklee Videos: The Shaklee Opportunity

Day Trading Profit Secrets – How to Reduce the Noise in Your Charting

By Ian Newton

One of the big problems many new traders have is that they apply to many indicators to their charts. After all if 3 are good then 6 or 10 must be better. Wrong, it just creates confusion. There are some simple ways to view your chars and see a clearer picture without the noise. This makes for less stressful trading. There are a number of ways to reduce noise but here is a simple way. Double Bollinger bands.

There is no connection to the famous champagne, unless you decide to celebrate your wins. A Bollinger bands are a pair of lines on a chart which define a trading range. The market is expected to trade within this range and use the bands as a upper or lower range.

Many traders use these as an entry or exit signal, but I’m not quite that confident. The way to use them as a noise reduction filter is to apply two sets of bands. The most standard is a 20/2 combination. That is using a 20 period moving average with a standard deviation of 2. You will see this on your chart when you open the indicators section. This band will give you the big swings.

But if you apply a second band using a 20 period moving average with a standard deviation of 1, then you will have much closer bands. It will show up transition points in trending markets. The market trend has squeezed itself into this narrow range and is bound to break out. How far it will go may be determined by the wider bands.

This closer set will reflect the typically shorter moves within the market and the wider set will reflect the bigger moves. If you have only these two sets on your chart it is easy to see the general tendencies of the market. The wider bands do not indicate an overbought or oversold state of the market as reflected in the RSI.

It is very important to not totally rely on any set of technical indicators. They simply do not work all the time. As the name implies they are just an indicator of what the market may do. There are other factors to consider.

Bollinger bands are part of the trend group of indicators and should be used with an indicator from the Oscillator group. One common mistake is that new traders may use 2 or 3 indicators from the same indicator category, e.g. 3 trend indicators.

The problem is they all measure the same thing, so it will appear that 3 signals are present when in fact it is only one. Learn experiment, discover but be very clear about what you are doing once you start to trade.

and now if you would like my FREE newsletter about day trading just go to http://www.daytradingprofitsecrets.bigpixie.com/Prelaunch.html. Would you like to get my regular day trading blog go to http://daytradingprofitsecrets.wordpress.com.

Happy Trading
Ian Newton

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ian_Newton

Web Directories For SEO

By Adrian Lawrence

If you are looking for ways to promote your website, then web directories should definitely be considered a big part of your promotional plan. Web directories provide web visitors with a one-stop destination on the web to find the information they are looking for. Further, in using web directories, you can increase the visibility of your website and derive myriad benefits offered by web directories.

Let’s take a look at the benefits that webmasters derive from web directories:

1. Some webmasters might wonder why they should bother to submit to web directories when 80% of all website traffic comes from search engines. The answer is simple when you consider the following: what about the other 20%? When you are attempting to maximize the traffic that comes to your website, every little bit of promotion helps and web directories can help you gain a big chuck of that 20% of web traffic you have been missing out on.

2. Did you know that a key factor in the ranking algorithm of search engines is link popularity? By using web directories you will be creating more links that point directly to your site and the raising your ranking in various search engines across the Internet. Further, everyone knows that a higher search engine ranking is equivalent to easier accessibility and easier accessibility equals more traffic for your website.

3. The first way to increase your link popularity is to include keywords in your hyperlinks. When you submit to web directories, the links you submit should not only lead to your site, but also should possess themed keywords within the links. The themed keywords will not only make your site easier to find, it will also increase the rating of your links in various search engines – again getting more, free web traffic for you.

4. Links that are created within web directories are votes for a site, and they use your keywords within your hyperlinks to associate your link with certain key phrases. As such, the keywords you select are extremely important because they determine how often your links will be pulled up whenever a key phrase is associated with your created links. Therefore, it is a good idea to research the most popular keywords associated with your website theme before submitting your website to various web directories: the most popular keywords can make all of the difference in the world.

5. If you are submitting to various web directories, there are a few things that you need to consider. First, for a directory to be valuable, the pages you submit your listings to must, at minimum, be listed in various search engines. For instance, if you submit your links to a web directory that doesn’t appear in any search engines, chances are web visitors will not only have difficulty finding your website, but they will also have extreme difficulty finding the web directory you have listed your site in. In such cases, the listing in the web directory is a fruitless endeavor. Conversely, if you list your web site in several popular web directories and you utilize keywords in your hyperlink and a short website description, you greatly increase the visibility and accessibility of your website.

6. The second consideration you must keep in mind when submitting to web directories is that when you are submitting your hyperlinks, you will derive the most benefit from submitting to directory pages that have a comparable theme to your website. For instance, if you have a website that is based on credit cards you will find that you get more web traffic from a web directory page that focuses on credit cards. Thus, when searching for web directories, look for web directories with topics that parallel the central focus of your website.

7. Here’s a quick tip for you that can help you derive the most benefit from listing your hyperlink in web directories: watch out for Google Adwords because these are a good indicator of how Google at least categorizes the page. In other words, if you mirror your hyperlinks and descriptions to appear much like those seen in Google ads, you will more than likely increase your search engine ranking as well as your listing in various web directories.

8. In order to be successfully listed in any web directory, you will need to conform to the terms and conditions of the directory. Typically, web directories list a series of specific listing regulations that you must adhere to and it would pay for you to adhere to them. In addition, to improve the chances of your listing being accepted you should try to avoid promotional language and you should choose a category that is as close to your website theme as possible.

9. Webmasters have much to look forward to in terms of web directory posting. In fact, the next generation of web directories are now appearing that allow business card type pages. Not only do webmasters get the opportunity to post a short description of their website, but they are also afforded the opportunity to display their logo and contact information as well. Such offerings prove to be particularly appealing because eye catching logos and easy contact information will make a Webmaster’s website that much more appealing.

10. In the end, web directories are a valuable part of your web promotional program and should not be overlooked in terms of their value. Along with the use of search engines, and article databases, a Webmaster can be pleasantly surprised at the free advertising available on the Internet. Finally, the increase in web traffic that webmasters reap can be truly astonishing indeed.

About The Author

Adrian Lawrence is the webmaster of Indexplex a leading web directory. Please feel free to republish this article provided this resource box remains together with a working hyperlink.

What About Weight Loss?

In today’s world, health and fitness is very important and rightfully so. People are working more and are under a lot of stress these days.

The “Stress” can come from the everyday activities, the Job, the family or from just plain old worrying over “Bills”.
But, the question is,” How do we deal with Stress and what does it have to do with my Weight?” When we are under a lot of stress, many find themselves eating to relieve stress and this adds to the weight problems. Now, I am not saying that Stress is the only thing that contributes to weight problems, I am talking only about what I have learned is that stress can be controlled in many ways.
Daily exercise is the best way to control stress, reading a book and taking a vacation away from that stressful job also does wonders.
Find what works for you and do it everyday or at least as often as you can, you will find yourselves healthier and happier in more ways than you could ever imagine. Do not worry over things you have no control over, things always will workout in some form or fashion. Take one day at a time and leave the worrying to GOD.
There are a lot of “Weight Loss Products” on the market, some are new and some not. You can find all kinds of articles concerning the subject of weight loss anywhere on the internet or your local library and as Always, check with your primary Physician before taking any medication.
If you use a diet supplement, read all you can about the ingredients, make sure you are getting an “All natural” product and there a lot of good products and can be very beneficial to you, do the research and find what you like best.


Sterling Bryant owns and operates Sterling Center. If you would like to post or read other articles, please visit us at http://12agen1.veretekk.com/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sterling_Bryant

Making Money with the Internet

Have you been paying attention to the daily news? It seems to be getting more dismal every minute, or maybe I am just getting more worried for nothing.
Just take a close look at the situation at hand, there is fighting abroad and in our own country we are fighting to make a living for us and our families. Unemployment getting higher everyday and looks like it is going to get worse before it gets any better.
I believe that it is time that we took hold of our own economics and start doing something about it. There are opportunities right under our noses and all we have to do is take hold of those opportunities and make them work for us.

Have you looked at how people are communicating with each other or how they are turning more toward the “ON Line businesses” to buy what they are looking for? Do you think they are getting products any cheaper? Well, they are in some cases, but it is more convenient to shop on line and ship the product to your door and why do I say that? Just look at the price of gasoline and tell me if you are not spending more for fuel than you did last year.

I can remember when you would go over to a friend’s home and visit with them, but now no one has time because they are both having to work long hours to make ends meet, which gives them no time for anything else. People need to spend more time with family, but they haven’t the time and the families in most part are falling further away from each other. Children stay longer at the “Day Care Center” then ever before and I believe this is hurting our children. After all, who is raising our children, MOM and Dad or someone else?

Well, I believe the answer to all of this is to start your own “Home Based Business” and take the family back. There are a tremendous amount of opportunities on line that can make you more money than you could ever know, all you have to do is research for the product or the opportunity you want to get started with. But you say “I don’t have a computer or I don’t have an internet connection or I don’t know how to build a website” the excuses are endless and I have used them all.

All you really need is a computer and an internet connection, if you can’t afford it right now, go to your local Library and use theirs, it is there for you to use,
There are many ways that you can get a website free for joining the business Affiliate Programs that can get you started and hosting in some cases could be free or very inexpensive.
So, go online and find the business you want, spend more time with family and make more money working the hours you want to work and not what someone else dictates.
There is a quote that was true then and is still true today and it says this,” Profits are better than Wages.”

Thanks for reading and if you would like to get started with a “Home Based Business,” here are a couple links for you to browse and see if they could work for you, I believe you will be glad you did!

Work at Home 
Work from Home 
My Big Sucess

Written by: Sterling Bryant

Search Engine Submission Done Right!

Search Engine Submission Done Right!

 You have an affiliate website, but how do you expect to make some hard core cash from there unless you can ensure a constant pour out of visitors. Generating consistent traffic to your website is as important in Internet marketing as it is to have a product or a service at offer. You may have the best product and the best services, but the point is to be visible and to let your prospects know that you are there. This is where Internet marketing comes in to the limelight and since visibility in the search engines is decisive to your success here, search engine indexing and a higher ranking becomes equally important.


SpinSuccess is one of the leading search engine submission services and it will be an overstatement to call it the best in the industry. Their services specialize in encouraging and facilitating the top earning affiliate websites and their desire is to do the same for you as well. Whatever be your predilection in choice of services and products, they is resolved to soar the amount of traffic to your website, thereby rocketing your bottom line like never before. Their services have been adopted by several satisfied customers, testifying their infallibility in getting you exactly what you want.


Of course, the guaranteed service of the SpinSuccess team sure needs some applause. However, the affordability of their services is also what sets them apart from any other search engine submission services and, probably, any other means of Internet adverting. The team specializes in over-delivering each of their clients within the affordability that is so much unknown in the industry. Their clients receive a pay-per-click credit of $100 for looksnap.com in addition with another pay-per-click credit of $100 for questclick.com. Additionally, a SpinSuccess client receives $200 worth paid advertise just by becoming a member of their services.


Valued $500, the SpinSuccess package is available within any Internet marketer’s affordability. Their monthly membership is worth $74, which makes it so much perfect for just any one to avail and ensure regular flow of cash, working right from the comforts of their home. You can also avail their limited period offer, whereby you can become a member to their world-class services at a monthly subscription of as low as $29.95. You can witness yourself the amount of traffic being generated you your website and deiced for yourself what sets SpinSuccess apart from any other source of Internet adverting.


The extensive follow up that characterizes the team will never let you down in your run for success. The team specializes in extensive market research and constantly updates its system to ensure you guaranteed traffic generation that will escalate your business to a never before destination. This way, you can not only save much of your labor, otherwise involved, at the same time, ensuring highest returns of the minimum investment you make to enroll with their services. You get services worth $700 (as par the industry standards) for all that you need for setting up a successful affiliate business at just $29.95. It’s worth it!


Visit SpinSuccess today to increase your traffic and sign-ups!